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Arrrr, Me Beauty!

I received a few amused comments for the blog title “Shut Yer Piehole.” So I had to look up that phrase in Google Books, which I know I am supposed to call Google Book Search but just can’t, because Google, to me, is a company of three or fewer syllables. But Google Book/Book-Search, whatever, is a much better name for that project than Google Print, which sounds like a web app for printing, as even Google observed. Furthermore, I feel enlarged, not lessened, by taking a phrase in my head and locating it firmly within the pages of a book. Google is a company, just a company, and for all we know is tomorrow’s Sony, but Google Books is a good idea I’m not rejecting.

I gave a talk about MPOW in Vacaville at 8 a.m., which meant I was on the road by 6 a.m. steaming up 880 and then 80. The crowd was great, I was “on,” though I felt a little weary. I did some very productive things this afternoon, some of them involving tweaking MySQL queries, and yet I am so tired from rising early and driving so far and doing my dog-and-pony-show and zooming back that I can’t remember anything that came after I got back to MPOW Central other than the cinnamon fragrance of the hot herbal tea that kept me company until quittin’ time.

So tonight a game of Scrabble, which Sandy will win because I can’t think up words out of context of sentences, and then I can sleep in tomorrow so I’ll be fresh for a weekend of My Craft (broken only by Pilgrim Sunday at church, for which I promise to dress up, at least to wear my pilgrim bonnet and collar).

Posted on this day, other years: