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Category Archives: Women

Britannica, Sirens, and Sexism

I’ve hinted at this before, but in watching the discussions unfold on the Britannica blog — discussions I have contributed to directly, in part because my blog post trackbacks don’t show up there — it struck me today, while reading Jane’s parody, that the only woman cited in the entire discussion is, as she puts […]

The Talis Teleconference

So I’m sitting in this conference–Christina Pikas and I appear to be the two dames; I seem to know this whole group–and it’s a great discussion and I’ve pitched in but if you are not Rumpelstiltskin and you have been paying just the least attention, you too could have held your own with this group. […]

A Tidbit for the BlogHer Dinner Chin-Wag

To paraphrase a lede from a post on the blog for the new radio program Open Source, the Internet just got male again. Guest gender breakdown for the first week: 7 men, 2 women. Female techies: 0. Women on debut show: 0. Bookmark to:

BlogHer: Hey, Ya Gotta Go!

I had a 70’s-style “click” a couple of days ago when I went to the Creative Commons site to investigate a CC license for the forthcoming LITA blog and was assailed by so many pictures of men and reference to works by men I began to wonder if CC is actually copyright for the XY-chromosome […]

Mena Trott on Blogging

I have my irritations and concerns about Movable Type’s evolution as a software company, but Mena Trott made some thoughtful observations last week in a post responding to Jason Kottke grumbling about the demise of the Old Internet and Six Apart’s seeming indifference to its “community.” The old Internet; I remember it well. I was […]