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Frank Rich Hits One Out of the Park

“Marriage, whatever the word’s separate meaning as a spiritual or religious rite, will remain a pressing constitutional issue in a country founded on equality. If marriage laws were set in stone, after all, same-race marriage would still be the only legal kind.” Frank Rich, 2/29/04

Frank Rich–drama critic, political columnist, arts writer, and novelist–may well be my favorite writer; many’s the time when I have put off reading his latest column in the Times because I didn’t want the experience to be over just yet. (And wait for another discussion from me about how Readers’ Advisory needs to grow up past fiction.)

Today Rich completely overwhelms the competition with his discussion of gay marriage.

This more than makes up for the news, shared by Sarah “Librarian in Black” Houghton, that Orscon Scott Card is a flaming homophobe. I would find this much more distressing if I found Card remotely readable. (If life is so short, why do his books seem so long?)

Thank you, Mr. Rich! We’ll think of you on our wedding day this Friday.