An update on the wireless issue. Some folks had wanted to know why ALA couldn’t buy this for everyone, or why Only Council was getting this “perk.” That’s because this is a maiden voyage for ALA and they want to get it right. (Remember how you kvetched at the minor problems when ALA launched e-voting association-wide?)
Currently, the wireless “perk” is having the usual birthing problems of any new technology roll-out. Councilors aren’t sure what they need to connect, are a little confused about how to connect, and haven’t heard back from The Man who provides usernames and passwords. In one case, a Councilor headed for her maiden wi-fi voyage wanted to test the connection ahead of time.
As an unofficial ambassador to all exciting new technologies for ALA members (and I use the term “exciting” with tongue in cheek, because the Web Advisory Committee was recently scolded by an ALA member for expressing undue interest in “exciting” technologies), I would like to see ALA get this right. Using Council as a test group is a great idea. Council is a lower-tech group, by nature of its relative age. If Council can use this technology correctly, anyone can get it right.
If it were me, rather than complain, I would simply figure out how I could get summa that. I would wager that ALA won’t really use up all 200 logins, or that (as it has indicated) it would be willing to spring for a few more. I would simply request a login. Or I would be even more ambitious and in the manner of a few Young Turks from days of yore, I’d start a small Wireless Aid Society and volunteer to help Councilors get connected in exchange for free log-ins. Write a tip sheet, coordinate with The Man, plan a couple of orientation sessions, etc. Don’t agonize: organize!
If I were planning to attend ALA, I’d be one of those volunteers. Good idea!
I hope that my post was not taken as complaining – I guess I just wondered why it has taken so long to get on the wireless b’wagon. I know how projects such as this can appear to be simple to implement when the reality is much different – that is why my response was a dream one. And I agree that it makes sense to take time to get it right.
I would love to find out who to contact at ALA to volunteer my wireless technical skills to assist councilors. I would even offer to type up a FAQ or some such document if I had enough background information about basics around the service.
And while my wireless knowledge is limited to Windows, I am sure that we could scare up a Mac expert (hmmm, “paging Michael Stephens”?) to cover the main bases (I am making the assumption that anyone bringing a Linux device can get it working).
So, could you suggest who I should start with as far as contacting someone? Or should I just throw my name and e-mail out there as a volunteer and wait for the councilors to contact me?
Thanks – chris