No, she didn’t really–but she did star in a webcast last week, which was a neato thing to do and a great way to bring the state librarian to our desktop. She also reads blogs (or Her People read blogs–you know, I would like that, personally), and responded in a nice way to Libraryman’s post, which itself was a fun if breathy take on the ‘cast. His post points up both the strengths and weaknesses of blogging–immediacy versus a bit of editorial control. I say this as someone who got a book title wrong in a recent post. Ehrlich’s title is better, but hey. Wyoming IS a wide open space. So there!
I bet your state librarian doesn’t webcast!
FRL has been a bit scant this week; I turned in two workshop pieces, had many, many discussions about the new MPOW with the developer folks, and then had a day that started with publishing New This Week from my hotel room this morning before trotting downstairs at the Sacramento Hyatt to do a dog and pony show for new public library directors and zooming back for more discussions with developers.
I was so over-multitasked this morning, if I may coin a nasty neologism, that I was sitting at the table noodling with my Treo when I realized, a minute before show time, that I hadn’t pressed the magic button to make our mailing list go out to its 16,000 subscribers. But the wireless connection I had purchased the night before worked in the conference room, albeit weakly. So buzz! Zap! Off went the email, and out went the mailing. God Bless Us, Tiny Wi-Fi.
Ah, spring break. I’m knackered. I need a breather. Not that I don’t still have work to do, but still.
Posted on this day, other years:
- Heartsick - 2012
- Driving a hybrid on my Lenten journey - 2008
- Free Range Librarian Back in the Coop - 2004
- Staple this to your forehead - 2004
Actually, we’re between State Librarians at the moment, but our previous one, Jean Wilkins, did webcast, and often. 😉