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And I Did It All For My Craft…

I’m pouting a little bit because I had a chance to be on Open Source Radio late this afternoon (or early this evening, depending on your time zone) and I had to decline, because I would then make myself late for class, and Miss Karen Is Not Late For Class. John Battelle is going to be on, talking about his new book about Google, and I’m sure it will be very exciting, and I could have said suave and utterly delightful things about Google and librarianship and the state of the world.

But when I talk about troubles, I ain’t got troubles. So, let me pout for half a second, then the sun will come out, I’ll go back to testing the new MPOW (which is really starting to rock), and perhaps I’ll eat that leftover lamb-spinach curry for lunch. Talk sweet to me, and I’ll even share the recipe.