Very hard to do self-portraits with a treo…
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Is that a SENA leather case on your Treo? That’s what I’ve got on mine and it’s great. I heart my Treo….
I think it’s a great picture!
Yes, that’s a Sena case–I love it, thin and light. It fits my Treo like a glove. How I do love my Treo! Do you see the latest acquisition–my Plantronics 510 headset?
Hey Judith–shucks 🙂 I may need to do a series, “portraits taken in airport bathrooms”
Ah, so that’s what that is next to your ear–a headset, not some funky jewelry. 🙂 I have no accessories for my Treo as yet. Perhaps once I have positive cash flow again. But I do have the BCP, Sunday and Lesser Feasts & Fasts lectionaries, and NRSV Bible on it….
Best Treo story–one Sunday the stranger in the pew next to me initially refused to exchange the Peace b/c he was offended by “your text-messaging people all through the sermon.” “Umm, no, sir, I was actually taking notes on the sermon and looking up the context of the Gospel passage….”
I’m so sartorially challenged that the Plantronics headset IS jewelry, as far as I’m concerned. Gillian, do you use the OliveTree version of the NRSV? I need to reinstall Sandy’s, now that she has moved from a Zire to my old Treo 600. Involves an hour of work I haven’t carved out yet, and now you’re making me feel guilty I haven’t done it yet! Guilt: the great motivator!
Yes, Olive Tree for the NRSV.