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Five travel habits


Originally uploaded by freerangelibrarian

Oh, did I forget to mention that I’m in Tampa to teach a workshop Thursday? I think I’ve been a little distracted…

So, the five habits:

* I use a packing list. The list isn’t just so I don’t forget things; it really speeds up packing.

* I take a picture of my parking area at the airport and just in case I lose my phone, I also upload the picture to Flickr. (If I’m in West, I’m flying; East, I’m renting a car.)

* I travel with my own coffee fixin’s. My cuppa Peet’s is better than anything I can get on the road, Starbucks included, and I can have it while I’m getting dressed, just like I do at home.

* I try to stick to an exercise schedule. I coaxed myself through a half-hour on the treadmill tonight. I wanted to sit in the lobby during happy hour and drink free wine and eat free potato chips, but once I got on the treadmill, I was fine. (I do have a beer and some almonds for later tonight, purchased at a local grocery store.)

* I keep *all* important charge cords with me when I fly–laptop, cell phone, etc.–so if I’m delayed, I can still keep working.

Posted on this day, other years: