Monday, September 25, 2006
So on lunch I rushed over to the store where I am purchasing this TV set and made a final decision: a Samsung 32″ . I decided that all other things being equal, and both TVs looking great side by side, the picture-in-picture on the Samsung would come in handy, so that when men are […]
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Thursday, September 21, 2006
Oh, how I want a potato chip. A salty, crunchy, comforting potato chip. I tried retail therapy–Bed, Bath & Beyond has a simply startling selection of shower caddies!–and then I tried some celery and low-fat dip, but my body isn’t fooled. I told myself when I arrived here I would get back to healthy eating. […]
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By way of David Weinberger’s Joho the Blog I found this very scary description of the Internet by Senator Ted Stevens. Hey, send me an internet sometime and tell me how you feel… Bookmark to:
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The RFID blog is back, now managed by Margaret Hazel of Eugene Public Library. I didn’t remove the old links from my aggregator, hoping against hope this blog would return. RFID came up in the audience-question portion of the Top Tech Trends discussion at ALA Annual. My response–and I think that of others–emphasized two concerns: […]
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The PALINET consortium asked me to post this job opening–essentially John Iliff’s position. It’s a great job and my sense is you could take it in many directions. If you’re hesitating because it seems to demand tech skills you aren’t sure you have or can acquire–but you consider yourself tech-savvy–go ahead and apply anyway. I […]
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I’m starting way, way late on this thread. I don’t leave for ALA until Saturday morning, and I’ve been distracted by things at My Place Of Work (MPOW) and elsewhere. Plus my brain is blank. White, Arctic, empty-screen, blank. All I can think is this: Librarianship is finally moving into the second person plural. We […]
Come on, I know you want to! If you haven’t taken his latest survey about social software, it’s here. Feel free to link to this (though by now it’s pretty well blogged). Bookmark to:
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When I was in the Air Force, a popular tee-shirt read, “If you love something, set it free. If it doesn’t come back, hunt it down and kill it.” The O’Reilly conglomerate–oh they of the nerdily useful tomes–donned that tee-shirt a couple of weeks ago when they went after a nonprofit for using “Web 2.0” […]
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Here’s the source of all ills with Wikipedia: it’s those pesky “librarian types,” mucking up what was a perfectly good encyclopedia. Or so says a commenter on a blog entry by danah boyd recounting the perplexing history of the Wikipedia entry supposedly about her: “I stopped contributing regularly [to Wikipedia] a while ago because keeping […]
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I could not figure out what the dilly-o was in San Francisco as I drove in 90 minutes late for Michael Porter’s Keep Up! presentation, even though I grew up in this city and have been watching the news pretty carefully. Another student turned to me and said, “Hello, it’s April 18!” Some people celebrate […]
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