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Category Archives: This and That

Choicepoint: At Least They’re Consistent

You may recall Choicepoint as the firm that produced a highly flawed list of supposedly disqualified voters for the Florida recount in the 2000 Presidential election. Courtesy of a routine background check run on me very recently, I know a little more how they operate, and it smells to high heaven. The company that used […]

Why We Need Pre-Washed Salad This Pew report says nearly half of all connected Americans have communicated online. So that’s what happened to our free time. (I actually used my sewing machine last week, albeit to make a custom sleeve for my laptop. And to think I once sewed all of my own clothes…) Bookmark to:

California Needs Gay Marriage–Now

Yesterday, my partner and I tried to get married in San Francisco. We naively assumed that if we showed up at 3 p.m., we’d stand in line for a little while and be married by 4 p.m. at the very latest. We quickly discovered that hundreds of people were lined up to marry, including many […]

Going to the Chapel… Oops!

Talk about pent-up desire! At 4 p.m. Sunday, at least 100 same-sex couples were camped out in front of San Francisco City Hall, waiting to get married tomorrow, Presidents’ Day. More on this later. Bookmark to:

Lesbians Marry in San Francisco

URL: (Updated!) We interrupt this blog for an important announcement: dozens of same-sex couples were married today at San Francisco City Hall. Among the group were Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon. two lesbians famous among gay rights activists. Neither lesbian is a librarian, but no doubt by the week’s end at least one gay […]

Blogging about Blogsource Blogging: Catch the Fever icontemplate wondered, “Hmm, ‘the library weblog about library weblogs.’ I wonder…if others try to copy Steven and Greg’s neat idea, would someone out there create a Blogsource blogsource? Would its header say ‘the library weblog about library weblogs about library weblogs?’ And if others copy that idea, would that be called ‘the library weblog […]

OCLC’s Environmental Scan “The scan provides a high-level view of the information landscape, intended both to inform and stimulate discussion about future strategic directions. ” Strategery: good stuff. But the real reason to “read” this report is that the Flash animations and search functions make it fun to play with. I can hear the folks at OCLC […]

The Problem with LCD Monitors

When I had a monitor the size and weight of a 747, Dot sat on top of it, and all was well. After my new Dell flat-panel 1901 monitor arrived–and it is absolutely gorgeous and crystal-clear–Dot prowled around my desk for a week, no doubt waiting for me to restore “her” monitor. She finally gave […]

(Re-)Discovering Dickens, the Olde Tyme Way

Stanford’s Discovering Dickens project is terrific. However–and call me an old geezer if you must–I do not recommend that you try reading the PDFs on your handheld or PC, however au courant that seems. This is a literary reenactment, enabled by the Web, and the fun part is participating the olde-tyme way, not by attempting […]

Shameless begging

I have absolutely no, zero, graphic skills. As a signature graphic for this site, I would love an elegant, old-tymey black and white image of a chicken (perhaps wearing glasses?) to enhance this site. Anyone have a particularly nice public-domain graphic to offer? Bookmark to: