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Upgrading Free Range Librarian

I’m upgrading to Movable Type 3.14. I’ve printed out the documentation, backed up the data, and made a fresh cup of herbal tea. It’s time to upgrade. Onward and upward.

If this blog doesn’t have new entries by tomorrow, something went terribly wrong, and I’ll post information to LISNews.

If things go terribly right, the blog may still lack some current features (such as the blogroll on the right-hand side), and it may be a bland blue for a while. I generally start anew with fresh templates, since otherwise there are too many maddening tweaks. Also, my first priority, after getting the blog running, is to get comment spam under control, the next is to implement post-scheduling, so I can write a blog on Tuesday and have it publish on Thursday, and the last is to get the design back.

Wish me luck! (But I wouldn’t bet on the comment feature working just yet..!)

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