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Do You Know Search?

At My Place Of Work, we are planning to do a requirements statement and then start hunting for a consultant, but I thought I’d float this balloon right here and right now.

MPOW is grant-funded for a new search engine (probably not enough money, but then is it ever?). More than that, really, MPOW needs a whole new search… dare I say it? … paradigm. We will need help; I’m very clear on what’s broken, but less clear on how to fix it, and even less clear on what tools and people we need to make that happen.

If this interests you, you can read my musings about the Search for the Search… and/or you can search MPOW yourself and answer the questions (to me privately, or on this site), what’s wrong with this picture, and how would you fix it?

If you are a search engine consultant, or you know one, do holler. I’m familiar with the major vendors; I have a tentative RFI (though that needs both refinement and development); we’re settled on our handsome new site, and work with great database vendors. Now we just need to figure out where the target is, and how to hit it.