I’m talking about Dan Gillmor talking about Doc Searls talking about podcasting, or RSS-fed Web radio, which seems so novel except I’ve been doing a primitive version of that, more or less, ever since NPR began making its news programs available almost simultaneously with their broadcasts. Still, glad to see the geeks naming it, making it a Cause, and giving it a delivery mechanism.
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The components are absolutely not novel, which is why it bugs me when I see people dismissing it on the basis that we’ve had the pieces for a long time. Well, yeah. The devil is in the details and the novelty is in the connections. What makes it different is the combination of the available files, the standardized packaging and the automated handling on the listener side – being able to approach something kind of like TiVo for audio. It’s hard to overstate how much different it is when you connect up that last yard, and just check your iTunes or WMP to see what new things are waiting for you from your subscriptions versus having to go out and find them. It is the same difference as RSS aggregation to web browsing.