I’m installing MT-Blacklist tonight, and will be grooving through a few other checklist items. (For those of you reading Free Range Librarian for the MT installation issues, I upgraded mt.cfg without incident, simply by renaming files, and did not need to re-initialize the software. Foosh, it just worked.)
It’s a good night to piddle on the computer. Middlemarch (my tiny office) is cozy-warm, the rain is lashing out there on the patio, and my other half is planning to plunk herself down on our big green couch and watch PBS’ “Congregation,” which as best I can tell is a reality show targeted at UCC pastors. I’m wrapped in my lavender corporate bathrobe, listening to NPR as I putter.
Which reminds me… before I log off tonight, I won’t forget to make a donation to an aid society on behalf of the tsunami victims. I’m also going to contribute to KQED, because I don’t know where I would be without public radio to inform me. Usually the radio folk catch me in one of their interminable drives, but with the move this fall, it didn’t happen.
Please dig a little deeper in your pockets, and be sure to give not only to tsunami aid but also to your favorite charities, which may suffer a little this year as we respond to the aid needs of those in South-East Asia.
Posted on this day, other years:
- Midwinter comes but once a year... - 2010
- The Devil Needs No Advocate - 2010
- A Blog-Free Interlude - 2003