I posted the following message this morning; librarian types, I’d love your thoughts.
I’ve been looking at these comments [internal discussion of the conference issues] from the consumer’s point of view. So I’ll say my librarian thing and then return to my Thursday morning publishing gig.
Transparency can be good–part of “the people’s right to know.” But one thought that bobs to the surface is that transparency can also be a crutch, or even an excuse. “I told my readers what I was about, so what’s the deal?”
Where do readers see these disclaimers? On every blog post? Buried somewhere in the archives? In an About page? And how well does that actually serve the people receiving this information? Where is the user-behavior data demonstrating that people read and understand this information?
Even when a blogger intends to be transparent, the technology can fog the glass. Think about RSS readers. Content delivered through an aggregator gets stripped of some or most of its context. RSS is fabulous–I use it all the time, and evangelize it among end-users and librarians. The digital library I manage produces two RSS feeds. I even subscribe to feeds recommended by third parties I trust without looking twice at the blog. I’m a librarian, like you I’m an info superuser (on the Web since 1991, web page since 95, blah blah blah), and I don’t care about book jackets. But are novice users (or as you call them, readers) truly well served by reliance on transparency?
Quite a few of the assumptions in this discussion are about a techno-elite serving a techno-elite. They are not about the information needs or challenges of the average person, let alone those still climbing over the digital divide. On the other hand, people can be conditioned new ways to receive information. Which makes me think that the learning component is something else missing from this discussion–again, unless we are restricting our concept of “audience” to the digerati.
Then there is objectivity. I agree journalism has some problems to grapple with. I’m still in mourning over Dan Rather. But I wonder if you folks are in too much of a hurry to reject objectivity as a goal (even as a “North Star”). I am also fuzzy on the syllogism driving your conclusions. Are you saying that objectivity does not exist? That it is inherently bad? Or that it is difficult to achieve? Librarians, as information providers, come to the information table aware that our biases and backgrounds present an obstacle. Interestingly, we struggle to be UN-transparent–to be as neutral as possible and to leave ourselves out of it, and to struggle toward objectivity in our own flawed human fashion. If you want three websites and three books on the subject of abortion, I’ll do my best to cover the issue from all angles and keep my voice out of it. Would our users be better served if we abandoned our commitment to neutrality?
Finally, to the call for independence, I would balance that with the concept of community. Yes, we all benefit from voices who have “independence from their employer, from their government, even from their own point of view.”
But we also benefit from information providers–journalists, librarians, bloggers–who are in some way accountable to a community. Communities can establish group standards, hold feet to the fire, set examples, and share core values. (Yes, communities can also be bad–the gatekeeping nature of librarianship has meant that it has taken forty years for librarians to fully accept “nonprint,” i.e. non-book, materials as valid library services.) It is community–which implies a loss of independence–that has made librarians so aggravating to feds who want us to hand over patron data on a platter, censor the Internet, and spy on the people we serve. A couple of years ago, in some incident where a library worker shared confidential data with the press, lo, was there much tsking and clucking and feather-fluffing, and good on us for being so concerned. A Librarian Gone Wrong, and we all knew it. We have also established awards in the name of Zoia Horn, a librarian who went to jail rather than violate patron confidentiality. We can all see similar community-building memes within journalism, and within blogging communities. So I’d be very careful to balance the concept of independence with that of accountability.
Karen, I am so glad you are doing this, because if you wouldn’t who would?
Waging peace as I am currently with 35 online students in two classes, some of whom are my age, and some of which are half and less; with wildly divergent online skills and online experiences; some librarians and some not; some wannabes and some not; I am once again pleased and humbled that we can have this conversation, even as I try to provide ammo for the student whose superintendent won’t cover her class tuition because it’s “only online.”
I told her to show him the reading list.
I loved the PLA blog. It crashed, and it was choppy, but it was there by the goddess, and next time I hope to participate. Did you get feedback from those following along at home?
I am rambling, I realize this, but I am racing to the Next Thing. I did spend some time trying to explain the mystery and engagement of blogging to a colleague who didn’t get it, and at the end, she might have seen just a little of why it matters.
Peace, GraceAnne
Hey Karen,
Your post hit a lot of bases for me. In addition to the library connection, my wife and I own a small town newspaper, and objectivity is a key plank in service provision of all kinds in our working lives. With the newspaper at least, the attempt is made to provide a balanced viewpoint within the context of a small community. Sometimes objectivity seems to be a lot about expressing a variety of viewpoints, but newspapers usually have some affiliation with some political party, and I think objectivity more or less works not only because this variety is captured, but because the context is fairly obvious. When you pick up our newspaper, you get the viewpoint of a journalist in rural Ontario, and that’s what you expect, so an article on something like the beef industry in the context of Mad Cow Disease, to pick a random example, is not going to seem out of place if it is hugely sympathetic to the farmers.
I think you have put your finger on a key challenge, how best to present context to an online audience. I am not sure the dilemma is much different than what most dissemination mediums go through, Elizabeth Eisenstein talks about how the hieroglyphics of “Horapollo” and many other seemingly authoritative, actually fraudulent esoteric writings became much more widespread with the printing press, and I am sure that even the first cave dweller to tell a story to an assembled group probably greatly exaggerated the contribution made to a recent food acquisition. Eisenstein’s comment that an “enrichment of scholarly libraries came rapidly; the sorting out of their contents took more time” seems to fit here. I wonder if this goes back to trust networks, and the technology hooks for creating trust in web space. Blogrolls sort of work like this (I trust the content of this blog because I link to it), and I am quite interested in FOAF (Friend-Of-A-Friend) because it strikes me as one low-barrier syntax to describe who you know, and what you think they know. But my bias veers quickly into spinning the propeller on my cap, even on such weighty topics, so I will stop before it flies completely off my head. Great post, lots to think about.