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Lists versus Blogs: Wait and See

A response I made on a recent Web4Lib thread about lists versus blogs…


Web4Lib continues to be an excellent resource for me, but I have found that when I post something here, it stays here, and when I post something to my blog it grows legs and walks into what I call the biblioblogosphere, and then beyond, and in doing so picks up new readers and commenters who add value to the conversation. So I end up double-posting, or I post to my blog. Increasingly, the latter.

Donning my hat, we had a remarkable education when we added RSS feeds. Now people find us through the blog-finding agents. Librarians, including me, suck at marketing, but by adding RSS feeds, we stumbled onto a way for the audience to find us, instead of the glacially slow process of dissemination through our existing readership.

Again: web4lib: useful. Internet: changing. Implications: let’s see.

Posted on this day, other years: