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FRL: RSS 1 or RSS 2?

I’ve noticed that twice as many of you are subscribed to the FRL RSS 1 feed. If your aggregator (blog reading software) supports it, consider switching to FRL’s RSS 2 feed, (also listed on the purple navigation bar). You’ll get the full post in most cases, and your aggregator will get updated when people (including you!) comment on posts.

I love it when you visit FRL itself–that’s why I added features such as Spotlight Reviews and what I’m reading–but RSS 2 ensures you get the full conversation, even on busy days when you’re buzzing through your blogroll.

(If you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, and you read Free Range Librarian by visiting it on a regular basis, read this tutorial about RSS I wrote for LII. A free tool for reading blogs–life is good.)

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