“I said it for New York three years ago; I’ll paraphrase today: When London is bombed, we are bombed. Today, I dig in, I dig deep, and I charge back fighting just like a Briton.” — Scott M. Fulton, III, a Senior Partner at Ingenus (an editorial services firm in Indianapolis).
I’m sure I speak for all of you reading FRL when I say that today, we are all Londoners.
London is no stranger to attack. It has withstood great plagues and fires. It gallantly and bravely withstood years of bombing in World War 2. Already the Tube is back up, and Internet and cellular services are being restored. The bloggers have been posting throughout, providing an immediate report of the events far more moving than any of the talking-heads coverage on TV. As one blogger wrote today, “We’re fine, and we’re not giving in.”
Perhaps the terrorists preached to their own choirs, but the rest of us turn away from them in disgust, and turn toward our sisters and brothers in global community.
Posted on this day, other years:
- Two Isms in America - 2009
- Comment Feeds Still Broken - 2008
- Heroine for an Hour - 2006