I keep meaning to write this meticulously thought-out post where I list my top ten BlogHer take-aways. I’m busy, it’s August, the conference now seems six months ago. But I am really, really grateful and proud to have been a BlogHer Scholar, with my attendance underwritten by Six Apart (as I scribbled on my badge).
As far as scholars go, I may have been a bit lame. I’m sorry I couldn’t make the networking dinners. Truth told, though I am almost never ill, I got sick after a fancy dinner earlier that week and was still off my feed and a little shaky at that point; I was basically in read-only mode that weekend, and it was all I could do to take notes (and, eight days later, produce my very first vblog entry). But I am pleased and grateful to have been one of the BlogHer Scholar ladies… and only wish I had met the others.
Those top ten take-aways, I promise, they’ll happen, Real Soon Now…
Posted on this day, other years:
- Of meeting rooms and other things - 2018
- PC Easy-Bake Oven - 2004