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New Blog, and I’m Blogging There (Too)

Just to start an Infinite Link Project, I’m linking to Michael Stephens’ post announcing a new blog at ALA TechSource, where I’ll be blogging. This is going to be a lot of fun: Tom Peters, Jenny, Michael and I will blog on library technology from any number of angles.

Free Range Librarian ain’t going anywhere. It’s still my place for more personal posts related to writing, fat pants, marriage, cheese straws, Rage at the Man, noisy neighbors, and anything else unrelated to library technology (though if I can find a connection between cheese straws and library technology, I certainly will share it with TechSource).

The ALA TechSource blog is the shockingly cutting-edge brainchild of Teresa , the blog team’s fearless leader, editor, geek liasion, and all-around champion. The blog is still emerging from the swamp, so have a little mercy as we get it, and us, going. I think you’re going to like it a lot!

Posted on this day, other years: