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Ranganathan’s Laws, In Translation

Saw Stephen Abrams had linked to a blog that had translated Ranganathan’s laws of library science into Latin. Better yet is the comment with the fake Swedish translation!

So here’s my contribution, in the only latin I know:

Ooks-bay are for use.
Every eader-ray his ook-bay.
Every ook-bay his eader-ray.
Ave-say the ime-tay of the eader-ray.
The ibrary-lay is an iving-lay ism-organ-ay.

Whew, that last noun was tough! Happy Friday, FRL readers.

By the way, the small child I wrote a prayer for is hanging in there. Thanks to all of you who thought a good thought or prayed a good prayer her way, and don’t stop–I’ll take time right now to pray for her and her family again.

Posted on this day, other years: