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FRL’s Endorsements–Let the ALA Elections Begin!


originally uploaded by freerangelibrarian.

I received my ALA ballot postcard in the mail last Friday. I’m hoping we can have a much larger L2 presence in this election. Let me give you my 2 cents on who to vote for before this gets away from me.

First, vote for Michael Golrick for ALA Council. We don’t always agree, but Michael knows how to disagree. Besides, the dude has a blog. (Apropos of nothing, I have an incriminating photo of Michael in Boy Scouts shorts I plan to use someday when he least expects it.)

Second, I don’t sign off on all of Michael’s choices, so I better make my own, right?

Kate Corby (has a brain), Aaron Dobbs (techy, wise), David L. Easterbrook (good thinker), Norman J. Erickson (smart, gay), Carolyn Giambra (I remember her from NYLA; a good strategist), Rochelle Hartman (hello, Tinfoil + Raccoon!), Patricia Hogan (sensible, hard worker) Robert Hubsher (because I like his system), Dennis Leloup (knows school media stuff), Ginny B. Moore (recently gave a compelling speech on the Council floor about civil rights), Bill Paullin (from one of my favorite liberry areas in the country, and he’s wrapped pretty tight), Barbara Pickell (same-same), Jo Ann Pinder (good strategist), Larry Romans (smart and thoughtful), Gail Schlachter (wuz reference before reference was cool), Nancy Zimmerman (has always struck me as intelligent).

I probably unintentionally slighted someone wonderful. But that group above is one I’d jump into a foxhole with any day.

For president?

Bill Crowe is a great guy. I loved his presentation to the LITA Board. That said, I’m supporting Loriene Roy for ALA president. I believe Loriene would bring a fresh perspective from the trenches of LibraryLand–not Luddite, but also heavily grounded in real people and their often urgent information needs. Having an active blog doesn’t hurt. Plus I’ve watched Loriene for years, and she impresses me with her poise, her humor, and her charm. Not that Bill doesn’t have his own strengths–it’s a good election year, Gumby-free, and you can’t go wrong.

Posted on this day, other years: