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What a RT could do

Mark Lindner asks why ALA should have a Bloggers’ Roundtable, an idea that Michael Golrick posed. In response to another blogger’s question, yes, if the roundtable were large enough, it would have a full vote on Council, and its own Councilor; and if it were not, it would have partial representation through what I call the Kibbles ‘n’ Bits Councilor–the ALA Councilor who represents all RTs too small to qualify for a council.

The bloggers’ RT could also co-host programs, qualify for meeting-room space, and not be reliant (no offense to the Big O) on one company’s largesse for a place to meet at ALA. Not that I’m discouraging OCLC from holding its bloggers’ soirees, which are wonderful, but a roundtable would be vendor-neutral (though vendors could join).

A bloggers’ RT could also attract new members to ALA. It could offer its expertise in helping (shoving?) ALA along in the arena of new technologies. It could even have its own blog!

And since you wouldn’t have to join it–paying the extra dues would be up to you. But I think I have $5 sitting around with that roundtable’s name on it.

Not only that, it could be a good entree to learning about ALA governance–as all the ALA members wondering what an ALA roundtable could do might crack open the Handbook and find out.

I also don’t agree with Fiona’s caveat that we only do it if it won’t be obsolete in five to ten years. Technology changes too quickly for that caveat to be useful. It’s o.k. if something else more wonderful comes along, and we find ourselves erging, or kwivelling, or superfiggling, instead of blogging. If the RT serves a function now, let’s carpe the heck out of that diem.

Is this the most important RT proposal I’ve ever heard? No. Am I waiting with bated breath? No. But it certainly would make it easier to get together under the Big Tent of the (ding!) Biblioblogosphere–and it could be a fun exercise in ALA governance. (No, really, it could!)

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