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An out-of-body experience with a vendor

I have several vendors I seriously heart, but I’m almost dizzy at the experience I had with our new search engine vendor this morning. I must be hallucinating some of the things I heard… (Technical note: they are handling most of the implementation, as my CMS folk are not search people. We’re doing it as a kind of appliance, versus entangling the code too deeply into our CMS–so that if we divorce one or the other it’s easier to divide the goods.)

“508 compliance is very important” (This was not a response to a question; this was a statement–I think almost a suggestion to ME, like “girl, don’t you know from compliance?”)

“We believe in doing many iterations” (after a vendor whose attitude was “here it is, now go copulate yourself”)

“We’d really like your feedback” and then–this is where I needed smelling salts–“any way you want to provide it is fine”

“We really like CSS,” followed by an explanation of how they use it…

After I apologized for the mortifying muck of HTML/CSS left by a previous vendor (which we patched our way through and soldiered on), I heard a modest chuckle, followed by “you should see our code” (Compared to that vendor, their code is gold-standard)

“There’s some really great things you can do with your data,” followed by… really great ideas. Some involving tagging, which we all agreed was a good phase 2 goal.

Oh, tagging, I said, but we’d have to do authentication.

Oh, we do that ourselves, they said.

Ok, now I must marry all of them. In a big group wedding.

Posted on this day, other years: