Except for a few false starts where I stumbled over my tongue (“Indlenet Liberrian,” etc.), this video took just a little longer to make than it plays–tape/import/add title/add ending/render/upload. Oh, and hi to Michael Casey and Greg and all the other people I didn’t know were there or forgot to name in my title slide… it’s nice to know people!
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Damn! I was hoping to get to meet you at this one. I *suppose* I’ll just have to come again next year to meet even more cool people!
You know, thinking this over, the people I really like are people who network very broadly (whether through conferences or otherwise)–people who have scope and depth to their view of the world.
So yeah, let’s see one another at conferences!
This video would’ve been a great example in at least one session at IL (the podcasting and videocasting session), probably more. At any rate, it’s tremendously cool, Karen. Thanks.
Come on – now you need to share your youtube URL with us!
I hadn’t even bothered looking at the “URL” feature until you said that! I set it to http://www.youtube.com/freerangelibrarian …