Remember that video of a week or two back..? I am not completely on board with every part of Walt Underwood’s critique, but he hit home here:
“Finally, the vid ends up with ‘We’ll need to rethink love/family/ourselves.’ Really. I think not. I’ve been on the Internet for nearly twenty-five years, I was IM’ing my girlfriend in 1984, and I’ve needed to rethink each of those words, but not because of mail(1) or Usenet or Mosaic or Movable Type. It was because of people that I love and that love me.”
That makes the second hug I want to give in as many days. What is Sandy slipping in my coffee?
If Underwood is that uncomfortable with extending the use of the term “learn” to include machine learning then then blood is going to start spouting from his every pore when something that thinks in 1s and 0s passes the Turing Test. I’d suggest he start inoculating himself with tiny doses of the 20th century to prepare him for the 21st.
I like the video and the fact that an anthropology professor created it. I showed the video to K-12 educators in my Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and RSS workshop last week because it demonstrates the differences between the “old” Web and Web 2.0 and mentions the tools that I train on. A friend of mine watched the video and said that she got emotional thinking about how she was one of the first GM employees to use computers in her office. You have to take just about everything now a days with a grain of salt so I don’t let every word or phrase in a product like this video bother me. I think the video is a nice, short intro to Web 2.0.