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You can find almost as many opinions of Dreamhost as there are users, but for the four years I’ve used them, they’ve been fine. Once in a while the tech support is a little slow to respond, but if I wanted them at my beck and call, I’d try a plan priced higher than what I pay, which is less than $10 a month for a pile of services, from one-click installs of WordPress and other software to web stats to very decent domain support.
I wrote Dreamhost on Saturday evening to report problems with my redirects. Didn’t hear from them Sunday; that’s fine, I didn’t say it was a major crisis. But this morning there was a message in my box saying that they agreed mod_rewrite wasn’t working in my blog’s directory and they had set up redirects from Apache themselves, and here’s what they did and was that ok and did I need anything else…
Everybody go awwwwww.
Honestly, when what you get from a low-cost service is largely unremarkable because it works, and stands out when you get help, and they’re friendly to boot: that’s good business.
I am also using Dreamhost. For someone who’s just learning much of this stuff, they are timely, helpful, and never slight me or make me feel dumb. Plus, I have already used the referral system and will save money when I renew services. Already pretty inexpensive for what I am getting, as you say, and I can save even more if I refer! What a dream!