I tinkered with the feeds for this site yesterday (and also for the new church site).
First, I installed Feedsmith, a Feedburner plugin which almost does what I want it to do. It redirects my main feed and my comment feed to Feedburner, and it also bundles my main feeds into one Feedburner feed, and that’s terrific. But it doesn’t let me redirect category feeds, so I’ve thanked/begged Feedburner on their blog.
Then I created Feedburner feeds for my main feed, my comments feed, and — through a neat trick you can do with WordPress — everything in in the category, “Writing,” since from following my linkbacks I can see that FRL has a number of readers who aren’t interested in library technology. I’m going to take a broad swath with that “Writing” category (for example, this post), but it probably won’t include posts about NISO standards, bad library software, or the history of the MARC record.
Finally, I monkeyed around with the header for this blog template to add or modify links to all three feeds, and added a link to the comment guidelines. I changed the term “RSS” to “Subscribe” (since using “RSS” to label this blog’s subscription options is like calling my refrigerator “The Electricity”).
Enough blog maintenance for one weekend … off to Southern Seafood for tonight’s dinner catch, and then to Panera to write!