I hope to see you at ALA, either at Booth 1888 or Somewhere.
I zoomed back from ATL with a new $10 toy in my car — an auto accessory-outlet 3-way splitter I bought at Fry’s. (Fry’s! Oh joy! Fry’s!) So now when I go to and from MPOW — and scoot around Georgia, saying hi to Evergreen sites — I can plug in my GPS and listen to nerdy podcasts on my iPod and (when I bring it) plug in my thermoelectric cooler, stuffed with amazing Atlanta goodies!
Not only that, but by stupidly plugging in a charger backwards I bent two pins in my iPod’s butt-hole (as Sandy so elegantly phrases it) then managed to straighten them out with a dressmaker’s pin I had in my suitcase. I suspect the pins are now weak… the iPod is only 18 months old. Equipment These Days. But it felt good to know that I knew how to straighten a pin, by gum.
Fry’s! Trader Joe’s! Civilization! Yes, there’s far more than that to my new gig — like feeling instantly useful and valued, and even very busy and already behind (presentation? Um, right! I will have one!). Which as some of you know, is just how I like it.
One more hour of packing, then it’s an hour in front of the idiot box and a few restless hours of sleep. See you in Anaheim — and if not there, friends, our paths will cross!