Last week I was one of four people interviewed about Wikipedia for a pilot show for Open Source, a new radio program for Boston’s WGBH produced by the inimitable Christoper Lydon and premiering Monday, May 30. Actually, to call Open Source a radio program is a gross understatement; it will have a web and mobcasting […]
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I read a funny post–and now I can’t find it!–that humorously discussed anti-blog “backlash” from business media pundits. Then I went to, browsing for appetizers to bring to tomorrow’s class party, and found myself an hour later reluctantly tearing myself away from heated discussions about recipes, particularly a vigorous thread about barbecue pork tenderloin. […]
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On the RFID in Libraries blog, Laura has done a devastatingly good job of dissecting a Berkeley Planet editorial by EFF’s Lee Tien and tireless community gadfly Peter Warfield. She points out that, first, it’s misleading (it appears to be an “article,” not what it is, a bare step above a letter to the editor […]
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In traditional bloggy style, I’m reporting that by way of Dan Gillmor I see Engadget is saying Pew is backing away from its claim that 6 million people have listened to podcasts. Dan had originally expressed doubts, and apparently those of us who were wondering if the survey’s wording had misled its subjects were not […]
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In the last two posts, I wrote about the disparity between user expectations and MPOW search, and about at least one approach to the issue (the Infomine metadata-scraper to add signficant words to item records). Today I’m going to lay the groundwork Let’s start with the assumption that there is inherent value to a directory […]
I got up way too early with a case of migration anxiety about the roll-out for MPOW’s new site. (For those of you new to this blog, MPOW is an acronym for “My Place Of Work.” I should do a glossary for this site.) Here’s my short list of quicky stress-busters: Turn on NPR and […]
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Yes, LITA will have a blog! Thanks to Steve “Library Stuff” Cohen and Andrea Mercado for generously sharing the materials they developed with PLA’s Kathy Hughes to support a blog. LITA members with experience installing and configuring WordPress and Movable Type are evaluating these products for use within LITA. Personally, I’m unmoved by the argument […]
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(Updated with a photo of how not to do self-check.) Laura has a good entry on her RFID blog about implementing reduced-staff self-check. She says, “The key for the people I spoke with, however, was placing a dedicated staffer near the machines for the first few weeks to assist patrons during the transition.” I’m going […]
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No, she didn’t really–but she did star in a webcast last week, which was a neato thing to do and a great way to bring the state librarian to our desktop. She also reads blogs (or Her People read blogs–you know, I would like that, personally), and responded in a nice way to Libraryman’s post, […]
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You know, I’m now thinking that it’s the LEFT navigation bar that’s pushing down the comment box on FRL. Bookmark to:
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