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She Who LAFs Last…

Here’s Roberto Esteves, reunited with his Action Figure! Be sure to read on…

As I passed through airport security tonight, the guard stopped me on the other side of the gate and asked, “do you have a little man in your bag?” In my exhausted befuddlement, I failed to conduct an appropriate reference interview, and responded automatically, “no, I don’t have a little man in my bag.” (Besides, that’s the kind of question I would automatically deny, as it sounds too much like “do you have a 14-inch-high Taliban operative in your bag that you’re smuggling on to this Southwest flight?”)

The guard stopped, brow furrowed, and emphasized, “I really hope you have a little man in your bag.” At that point I realized she was referring to the Librarian Action Figure, which I immediately yanked out and handed to her with a flourish. She roared with laughter and waved the doll in front of her colleagues; they all “shushed” for a minute, faces wreathed in smiles.

I admit it–it was a proud moment. Some of you get your noses out of joint because we are perpetuating the stereotype of the friendly if nerdy reading advocate. Frankly, show me the airport security guards who think it’s fun or complimentary to imitate trial lawyers or dermatologists.

We’re going to need all the LAFs we can get in the next few months. With the elimination of the vehicle tax, California librarians need to get creative el pronto about advocating for better funding, or frankly, we’re hosed. Stop worrying about our Books in the City personae, and figure out how to turn our very good public perception into serious dollars and cents.

Posted on this day, other years: