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MPOW’s annual user survey now available!

Tomorrow morning, the day we publish New This Week, we do the “big launch” of the annual user survey for My Place Of Work, but the truly observant will notice from our main page we soft-launched this afternoon.

I did a few things different this year. Naturally, we ask about the budget situation. I have one structured question and one open-ended question. But we also asked regionally-specific questions (these only display if you’re from California or Washington state–and just one per region). Plus–and I had to take a deep breath on this one–we’re allowing users to see results.

Yes, the survey may be taken multiple times on the same computer. There’s no way to allow our many public-computer users to answer the survey without this setting. Still, I believe this survey holds its own. The user comments are the best part: we usually get about 1,000 comments, almost all helpful, inspiring, and thoughtful.

Generally we get over 4,000 responses–a huge sample for any survey like this. I’m really hoping the sense of urgency kicks in and we even go beyond that this year.

Posted on this day, other years: