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Copyright for my NASIG Keynote

I’m keynoting at NASIG in late May, and I’m trying to suss out this agreement. I had anticipated that, per usual, I would put my presentation online, and possibly stuff it into our library’s IR. It sounds as if I would have to wait for it to appear in Serials Librarian to do that. Do I read that correctly? Should I modify this agreement and send it back with a Creative Commons license?

I wonder when anyone looked at this last. Gopher? WAIS? As for film rights… can you say YouTube?

Understand I have some sympathy for old-school publishing models. If my presentation were some finely-honed literary essay I was shipping out to traditional publishing venues, well, yeah. That’s pretty much how things are done in that venue. But this is a talk to librarians, and–ready for the punchline?–my presentation is about the “state of emergency” caused by predatory publishing models–a riff extended from my Code4Lib talk.


Section 1.

Under the contract and agreements between Haworth Press and the North American Serials Interest Group the following rights have been designated:

X The author(s) or his/her assignee(s) owns the copyright to the work he/she writes for the NASIG proceedings.

X Haworth Press owns rights to first print publication in the NASIG proceedings issue of Serials Librarian, along with rights to conduct its normal business: UMI filming and relationships; article or document delivery relationships; classroom anthologies; permission for granting reprint rights of the Abstracts to indexing and abstracting services.

X NASIG owns the rights to produce a NASIGNET version in suitable forms for reading by members: e-mail, listserv, Gopher, WWW, and WAIS access.

Section 2.

Under this agreement, the author(s) warranties and promises that:
a. the manuscript submitted is his/her/their own original work
b. the work has been submitted only to NASIG and that it has not been submitted elsewhere without the express permission in writing of the NASIG officers or the duly appointed Editors of the NASIG proceedings
c. the work contains no libelous or unlawful statements and does not infringe upon the civil rights of others
d. the work does not infringe upon anyone else’s copyright
The author(s) agree that if there is a breach of any of the above representations and warranties that (s)he will indemnify both NASIG and NASIG’s publisher, The Haworth Press, Inc., and the elected or appointed Executive Board and Editors of NASIG, and hold them harmless.


X The author(s) may not submit this work to any other journal or book publication until after it has appeared in the NASIG proceedings issue of the Serials Librarian.

X Author(s) retain the right to reprint their work as it appears in the NASIG proceedings issue of the Serials Librarian as part of classroom handouts, reading room reserve, and traditional interlibrary loans. All other policy regarding permission for reprinting are decided by the NASIG Board.

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