So I come back from a tea-making trip to discover that MPOW Central was under occupation. Not only that, but after the bird finally decided to leave, it continued to stand outside my office, glaring at me!
Recto and verso
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Better an bird in your office than a bird in your house.
As an aside, one must wonder why American publishers insist on changing the titles of books.
Eek–I’m hoping an office in a detached garage doesn’t count as “the house”!
Is that a scrub jay? I’m not up on my west-coast birds.
Western Scrub Jays are increasing in numbers and expanding in range. One of these guys on your grant files = very good sign!
When the moon is in the second house, and Western Scrub Jays sit on my files…
Lucky you! MPOW was visited last year by a sparrow (we think) and stayed for three days, flitting from molding to chandelier to window sill and back. Because we used to be a performing arts space, the acoustics are incredible and every so often we’d hear birdsong over the sound of students trying to learn.
As long as he didn’t leave you any gifts. ew.
Lucky you – I just get an insane cardinal who marches up and down outside my window, pausing every few seconds to launch a violent attack on the reflection that mocks his every move.
Do you think he came in to get out of the rain? Hey, it’s better than having a woodpecker drumming on the side of the house…
Well, it’s sunny now, so Stay Out, Bird! I think he was after the peanuts in my office. A squirrel just glared at me for five minutes…