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Please Do Not Googlebomb LII

(Update: Cohen has called off the Googlebomb.)

I woke up this morning to see a well-meaning request to Googlebomb LII (the place where I work… o.k., I know you know that, but there is a very intentional veil between FRL and LII). Not only that, Jessamyn has already critiqued the practice. Lordy, lordy… can’t a girl do something other than the Internet for an evening?

I don’t like the Googlebomb action (or “meme,” to use a dreadfully worn word now trotted around), for exactly the reasons Jessamyn specifies. LII may have its marketing challenges, but we (and here I quote directly from the Karen G. Schneider who runs LII, who bears a remarkable resemblance to Free Range Librarian) would like to handle them ourselves; and as Jessamyn writes, it just seems wrong (not to mention so-last-year) to finegle with an index. More to the point, while we certainly don’t control the universe, we at LII would like to control our own destiny. We should have been asked if we wanted this–and if that’s how we wanted it, and that’s when we wanted it. I know it was well-intended, but I’m asking you folks not to participate in this Googlebomb. It is so very, very not what LII is all about.

I’m proud of the increase in usage for LII that has happened during my tenure as Director, Senior Cheerleader, and Da Boss, even though my pride is really derivative from the profoundly wonderful work of the staff who make LII tick. Wendy Hyman, Jennifer English, Maria Brandt, Charlotte Bagby, Tom McGibney, Pat Fell, and a host of contributors–they are amazing. And I’d like to see usage statistics based on our efforts. And I’m very pleased people care about us enough to compare us to Library of Congress.

But please–if you have the energy to Googlebomb–you have the energy to direct your efforts toward Good Works. Go read to a child, or help out at a soup kitchen, or go help get out the vote for the November election. Or if you feel you want to “do something” for LII, share it with a library patron, a volunteer, a neighbor, or a local newspaper. Get us a radio spot on NPR–that’s a “meme” we can live with. But Googlebomb LII? Please. Just Say No.

Posted on this day, other years: