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Cuba Amendment Voted Down

Not too surprisingly, the amendment (Council Document 55.1) was voted down. It was felt that the report “finesses” the complex Cuban situation. Councilors called for us to “stay away” from foreign relations.

I will withdraw the resolution; it doesn’t make sense to have this conversation again later this morning. ALA has spoken. I don’t call it ALA’s “shame,” and I feel that the shrill name-calling from some sectors within and outside our association alienates ALA members. But I do think that those of us who feel differently from ALA need to take it to other arenas and other venues if we seek change on this issue.

I would like to think that I have affected positive change by raising the issue well enough in advance to influence the final wording of the IRC/IFC Report on Cuba. The report goes farther in criticizing human rights abuses in Cuba than it would have without additional light on this topic. It doesn’t shame ALA to produce this document… but it’s not going to help Victor Arroyo.

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