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Library-Flavored Blogroll added to FRL

I just added a blogroll featuring the library-related sites I subscribe to via RSS. That’s the good news. (Or it’s the good news if you remotely care what I read.)

The bad news is this addition to the meandering left column of FRL makes it even more painfully clear that I need to redesign this blog, which needs a three-column format and could use a little color, but it won’t happen until February. I’m toying with taking online classes in XHTML and CSS this spring. It’s either that, or give it up and go to Typepad. But that’s a metaphor for my world right now, anyway. Many of us are in a similar balancing act, torn between traditional and new librarianship.

Ah, back in the day, when information came in two colors (black and white) and fairly limited shapes and sizes. From a cup of joe to a half-caff low-fat caramel macchiato with extra foam…

Posted on this day, other years: