This is actually tough for me, because the standard advice is to bullet-vote for five or so candidates, and yet I can easily find 34 people I’d like to serve with on Council–and that includes people I don’t agree with most of the time.
The list below represents some of the people who received my vote, and I’ve put a * next to names of people I’d recommend bullet-voting for because they are highly qualified folks whose names are not “household” enough to set them apart on the ballot.
Get out there and vote!
Therese G. Bigelow
* Rebecca B. Brown
* Frank A. Bruno
* Randolph Call
James B. Casey
David S. Clark
Gordon M. Conable
Joe F. Dahlstrom
* John DeSantis
* Norman I. Eriksen
Ken Haycock
Sue Kamm
Em Claire Knowles
Bernard A. Margolis
Stephen L. Matthews
* Michael J. McGrorty
Linda Mielke
* Michael J. Miller
Robert R. Newlen
* Barbara J. Pickell
June Pinnell-Stephens
* ROberta A. Stevens
Frederick W. Stoss
* Thomas J. Tobin
Yes, I think Michael McGrorty is a fine choice. But then, I’m him and may be influenced by the relationship.