Blogging my impressions of Waiting for Fidel:
A chill down my spine to see and hear Oswaldo Pay of the Varelas Project;
Fidel as a stubborn old man;
Oliver Stone looking his age;
The ills of micromanagement (a thought that bubbled to the surface as I listened to Castro read from the sentencing documents of the hijackers);
Castro demurring that “he” didn’t shoot anyone (meaning the ferry hijackers). Stone commenting that they were “shot by the state.”
Brings up dry-foot/wet-foot policy;
Stone tries to bring up the inevitable point about sole rule. “I am not in power. It is the people who are in power.”
Castro continually confuses his own accession with U.S. attempts to defeat him.
Castro refers to the “Batista followers” who gave Bush the 2000 election (are any of them still alive?)
Re the 75 prisoners: Castro says they all took money to defeat the Revolution.
Castro denounces the news about the prisoners
Stone asks why it was a closed trial
Stone interviews relatives of prisoners
Stone: in the Americas, “Cuba’s pretty low on the human rights abuse list”–there’s a statement for the tourism bureau!
Castro on AI: “Cubans do not believe in Amnesty International.” Refuses to clarify.
Stone asks Castro, “what is proper criticism” (as opposed to improper criticism)? Castro won’t answer the question.
I have to ask, if this guy is so popular, why does he need to step on people?