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Change Afoot

At my work place, we have a lot of change afoot. (One of you had once commented that I should link to “my work place” from my entries, and I think I’ll go back to NOT doing that, thanks very much.) Contracts fluttering left and right, deep discussions with programmers and other gurus, workplans, and more… it’s a bustle of activity. I’ll blog more when we have more dried ink; right now I’m keeping the details within the organization, for the most part.

But as I watch my buddy Michael Stephens get ready for his PhD program, and as I move down the “back to camp” list for the MFA, I feel how refreshing change can be, particularly when it is realizing a “dream deferred.”

I wanted to pursue writing and literature 20 years ago, but I was broke and disorganized and somewhat out of good ideas, so I joined the Air Force. In the same vein, the week after I took over the helm of “my work place,” I took my first trip to talk to higher-ups about changes that now, after years of disappointments and cutbacks and “sure-bet” grants that didn’t happen, are finally coming to fruition.

Posted on this day, other years: