Those are the days, approximately, we’ve been in this migration for MPOW. Sort of like being 100 months pregnant. Or a 4,000-year mortgage.
The new site looks so luverly, though I’m not linking to it anymore because the test server itself is moving early next week in a complicated maneuver I won’t explain. I am swamped at work and school: work work work! Write write write! Next week it’s the LITA Forum, and that will be grand, but I feel as if I am colliding with a perfect storm. Migrate! Write! Conference! No, write! No, migrate! No, conference!
Meanwhile I have had bouts of pre-migration insomnia that jerk me awake at 2 a.m., and if that isn’t bad enough, I refuse to medicate myself with food treats (except for some awfully cute fuzzless mini-kiwis I bought at CostCo that are absolutely delicious and I pray are the product of hybridization, not genetic modification) as amidst the vacationing and birthday fun, I slipped on a couple of pounds, and I am just vain enough to draw the line at moving up to my fat pants, even for a week or two.
But I have groovy new glasses with progressive lenses, and they are a great consolation during the steady-contraction stage of migration. My rimless wireframes (I almost wrote “wireless”) were o.k., but with trifocals, I could not wear the narrower frames now fashionable; there wasn’t enough room for each lense. I also had a habit of setting down my rimless glasses before I showered in some random location and then would have to hunt them down, and they blend into the background when set down, particularly with my vision fuzzy because I’m not wearing them. Now I have glasses in a sort of taffy color (matching my hair, which color is courtesy of Tony the colorist). I keep peeking at myself in the mirror, fluffing my hair and admiring my essential grooviness. It helps.
You know what? It will all happen. The new website will arrive. I will lose the tater-tot-and-wine pudge. The essays will get written. LITA Forum will happen, and I’ll see many people and enjoy myself.
Come, thou long expected website! I am ready for you. VERY ready!