Courtesy of ALA President-Elect Leslie Burger comes this story of a small-town elected official who got his big red Rudolph nose out of joint because he received a “Seasons’ Readings” card from his local library director… even though the card (published by ALA, and gee, why didn’t I do those this year?) did include Christmas greetings in other languages.
Oh, that ALA! We can’t just take on the Patriot Act; we have to lead a “really nefarious effort … to purge religion from the public agenda. Nazi Germany, Russia, that’s how they started.” Yeah, and a Happy Kwanzaa to you too, buddy! No dreidl for YOU this year.
Thanks to Leslie Burger for blogging this.
I’m in Tallahassee where Merry Christmas is also a big issue. My favorite take on all this is that many of the same people who complained about the commercialization of Christmas now insist on it! Perhaps we should be historically correct and say Io Saturnalia…
So remember, librarians: in October, send out cards asking all of your patrons to register their religious affiliations and preferred end-of-year holiday.
Thomas (“Festivus for the Rest of Us”) Dowling
The more I look at that story, the more I have to wonder what exactly is that guy’s problem? Is it he does not understand a simple play on words? Is it he thinks there are no other holidays during this season? Is it a seasonal problem, maybe winter blues? Is he just a nut? Well, they can see me the card anytime, and here’s a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays. Best.
Our small library association started calling our winter festive parties a holiday party nearly ten years ago. I guess we were ahead of the curve in being correct.
Merry Happy, everyone!