Note: the URL for this survey has changed.
I’m on an ALA LITA Committee that is trying to design better technology conferences. We want to know what you liked, did not like, or would like to see at a technology conference in the future.
If you have ever attended a technology preconference, session, conference, or you simply have an opinion, please take this survey. Feel free to spread the survey far and wide. We would like to have feedback from as many people as possible so that we can create something that will serve you better.
(Thanks to Wandering Eyre for the wording. Yes, we’re both on the committee, though she’s being too modest — she’s been one of the driving forces, and I’m just one of her willing minions!)
Posted on this day, other years:
- Excerpt, Essay 13, David, just as he was - 2006
- FRL: Post Away! - 2005
- The UnMuzzled Media - 2005
Hooray. It is official. I have minions. The world will soon be mine. mwahahaaa.
Oh, I mean, please take our survey. *grin*
I just clicked on the link to take the survey and got this message: “This survey is currently closed. Please contact the author of this survey for further assistance.”
I haven’t taken the survey because I haven’t been to a LITA function in years. However, I’m guessing that LITA has yet to solve the huge problem of a very wide range of technical competencies among its members. What is basic for me might be advanced for you. An audience of folks who could easily be doing the presentation themselves would find a topic basic at best and probably boring. Someone else, on the other hand, would likely be over their head. Still, everyone is interested in the topic.
Careful, accurate descriptions of sessions/workshops/preconferences help, but I’ve often thought that a pre-test would help folks choose sessions most appropriate for their own situation– ” Do you know what Q is? Can you explain and use it? Would you like to learn how to integrate Q into X and find new applications for Q? [session 1] Would you like to know what Q is and would you like to be able to explain and use it? [session 2]” –or some such.
I filled out the survey, when it was working, at the old URL. Do I need to re-do it or were you able to save the results you already had?
Sorry to pass the buck, but I don’t know. 🙂 Have you asked Michelle?