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Category Archives: American Liberry Ass’n

First Anniversary of the ALA Web Site Roll-Out

ALA rolled out its redesigned Web site on April 7, 2003. It wasn’t the best day in ALA’s history. The site was a debacle: a lot of content was missing, the design was confusing, the search engine was worse than terrible, and as the week unfolded, we found many, many other problems. The worst part […]

ALA Election Update

We’re up to 6,756 total ballots so far in ALA’s election. Last week this time, 5,231 e-ballots had been submitted. So in the last 7 days almost 900 ballots were submitted. Also, the paper people are starting to send in their ballots, bringing the total for the week to over 1,500 ballots. 17 days into […]

ALA Election Update

Last year, in 52 days ALA received less than 10,000 ballots. This year, with only ten days since the “polls opened,” ALA has received over 5,000 ballots. 1/4 of all ballots mailed out this year were paper ballots. We can expect a lag time for this participation, but I’m still surprised that ALA has received […]

My Council Picks for ALA Election

This is actually tough for me, because the standard advice is to bullet-vote for five or so candidates, and yet I can easily find 34 people I’d like to serve with on Council–and that includes people I don’t agree with most of the time. The list below represents some of the people who received my […]

Read Poster Contest

How tempting this is! This is a hoot, and for the price ($89), it’s really reasonable. I’d need Photoshop, but realistically I’d also need a graphics designer since even putting a small graphic of a cow on this Web site has exceeded my design abilities. Just this morning I was thinking about fundraising efforts […]

ALA Online Election Update

The message below my post just came to the Council list. Zounds! Egad! And my stars! That’s over a 10% increase in voter participation since yesterday morning. Plus now we know what’s going on with the paper ballots. (1/4 of all members are using paper ballots? Let me adjust my bustle!) John Duke says he […]

ALA Election Turnout Update

As of this morning, ALA had received 3900 online ballots since the balloting began one week ago. To put this in perspective, last year, ALA received 9,844 ballots for the entire election–a turnout of less than 18% for a paper-ballot voting period 52 days long. Not only that, but 2003’s turnout was the best turnout […]

Barb Stripling for ALA President

This is a reminder that I’m enthusiastically supporting Barb Stripling for ALA President, and hope you will join me in voting for her. Barb is not only enormously poised and articulate, and a great writer, but her background in school libraries makes her an essential choice in this most draconian of budget years. Our youngest […]

ALA Online Election: Tastes Just Like Chicken!

Allow me to make a few approving clucks over the new ALA online election system. I started my ballot today (and will set it aside to finish it up later). It’s not just that the company did a good job designing our ballot (which they did) or that the process is remarkably smooth (which it […]

Blogging at PLA: Any Insights?

I’ll be at PLA conference next week for a whirlwind tour, from Wednesday morning to Friday afternoon. Tried to determine if the Washington State Convention Center sells wireless… no luck. Anyone else find out anything? I sent them a query a minute ago–I’ll post what I learn. Bookmark to: