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Category Archives: American Liberry Ass’n

The Cuba Report Amendment: The Director’s Cut

It didn’t take long for the proposed amendment to IRC’s report on Cuba to morph into something it was not. I am going to be charitable and chalk it up to post-conference amnesia (what did we vote on? who did I lunch with?), but today, one of the members of the Cuba report task force […]

Anime Councilor

Well, durned if Monika Antonelli, ALA Councilor, doesn’t do voices for anime! See: Bookmark to:

ALA Technology Peeve #2: The Council Transcripts

Here’s another bug up my fanny about ALA and technology, and one I’ve been battling for at least seven years. We don’t broadcast the ALA Council transcripts, and we don’t make them available online. Before you step up and say, “but gee–that sounds expensive,” let me tell you what we do spend money on. If […]

Jim Casey’s ALA Council Report

This is a report on ALA Council from Jim Casey, ALA Councilor at Large, PUBLIB member, and director of the Oak Lawn (IL) Public Library. Jim does such a thorough job with his ALA reports that I really can’t top what he has to say (even when I disagree with him–and we sat next to […]

Cuba Amendment Voted Down

Not too surprisingly, the amendment (Council Document 55.1) was voted down. It was felt that the report “finesses” the complex Cuban situation. Councilors called for us to “stay away” from foreign relations. I will withdraw the resolution; it doesn’t make sense to have this conversation again later this morning. ALA has spoken. I don’t call […]

Judy Jetson among the Flintstones

If you folks can believe this, a resolution to rescind the ALA motto was defeated. The Pleistocenes on Council reared their heads and noticed that Janet Swan Hill (who received my vote for EB) had proposed we finally kill this tagline, first introduced when Benjamin Harrison was president: “The best reading, for the largest number, […]

Update on Cuba

SRRT pushed another resolution to Council III, ensuring Council III will be so busy that we aren’t going to get to everything on it. This tactic is similar to holding the report in committee and claiming it is in draft, when in reality IFC and IRC finished their work on it this Sunday. It’s not […]

Wireless Hub Found!

I found the rogue wifi hub; it’s in the ALA office, delivering network services to some of the computers. (Actually, I didn’t see the hub itself, but I did see the wifi USB adapters velcroed to the sides of computers.) Pretty good range… I think I’m a good 300 feet away, and the signal reports […]

Council Updates

Registration for the day stands at 10,000+ — about 2,000 down from Philly (Midwinter 2003). Activist Sanford Berman and parliamentarian guru Norman Horrocks approved for honorary lifetime ALA membership. Woohoo! CD 56 (Policy on Endorsements and Use of Funds) went down in flames. We now continue our lack of clarity related to division endorsements. I […]

Wireless at Midwinter

Monday: still have free wireless. I saw two hubs: Instant Internet and “linksys.” The former would redirect me to a $25/day service. The second is the open free hub, wherever it is and whoever is providing it. Bookmark to: