For decades (if not longer), the ALA conference meeting schedule has remained unchanged. For six months the pupae lie dormant. The week prior to the conference, they begin wiggling in their pupal cases, responding to the faint clarion call of hotel room reservations and vendor cocktail parties. The ALA creatures emerge all at once, and […]
I’ve been explaining for years that ALA Council is broken, and even suggesting how to fix it. If Council is too darn busy to hear from a member on an issue he knows something about, that just underscores everything I’ve been saying. Aaron Dobbs has run for Council twice, and lost. I look at some […]
i has interliberry loan Originally uploaded by freerangelibrarian Note: I had another article published today, in IT Manager’s Journal. You may recognize some of the IT managers! I’ve written about the cone of confusion before. I see other uses cited on the Web, and have no reason to disbelieve them, but the definition I was […]
I’m pasting in Karen Coombs’ announcement of a Social Software Showcase at ALA Annual (already linked here and there on the Web), which is the epitome of all that is epitomizable, and in which (as I have not yet resolved that unable-to-be-in-two-places-at-once issue) I will participate in via a YouTube video which I have yet […]
Here’s the rough outline of my schedule at the American Library Association 2007 annual conference (DC)… Marilyn, Michelle, Lori, and anyone else trying to vector with me, take a look at see what fits! Note that the social events (PUBLIB, LITA Happy Hour, OCLC Blog Salon GLBTRT) are great places to meet up. Friday 6/22/2007 […]
Ninety-five percent of ALA is stuck in the antebellum period, but Jim is communicating by YouTube. Gets it. Seriously. Knows getting it equals doing it. Vote for Jim! Bookmark to:
Sunday, November 26, 2006
I’m on a committee–the ALa Member Participation Task Force–that just put up a blog andn then back-filled it with earlier discussions we’ve had about moving ALA forward (which is a phrase that brings to mind pushing a comatose elephant uphill, but no matter…). You can read my comments (because of course you want to read […]
I felt it was a squeeze to get to LITA Forum this year–both financially (I would have to foot my own way entirely) and in terms of time (in the middle of my last few days at MPOW, and between two conferences). Of course, having made that decision and pretty well cast it in stone–at […]
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Having trouble booking a room at ALA Midwinter in Seattle (or spent far more time than was reasonable to do so)? Join the very, very, very large club. However, this message from Mary Ghikas, found on the ALA Council list, describes some of the challenges faced by ALA. (My core question: is Seattle big enough–hotel-venue-wise–to […]
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Remember the post on September 22 about my ALA profile change not sticking the first time? Since I logged back in that day after updating and viewed the changes, I felt reassured that at last, after protracted dorking around on company time (which is time I like to use for MY company, not for ALA), […]