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Category Archives: Hot Tech

Blogging and Ethics, Part 3: The Anti-Guidelines

1. First, do your best to puncture our stuffy “scholarly” image and show show everyone that librarians are as groovy as everyone else. Dumb down your spelling, grammar, and punctuation, haul out as many formulaic expressions as you know of, and use lots of exclamation points and question marks in a sentence. Y Nott???? Sweeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!! […]

Blogging and Ethics, 2: “It’s Only a Blog!”: The Cloak of Commentary

“It’s only a blog.” “I’m not a reporter!” “This is just commentary.” “Everyone knows it’s just my opinion.” Sound familiar? To quote one of my favorite cartoons, “I say it’s spinach, and I say to hell with it.” Once you put words into print for all to read, and particularly once you implicate other people’s […]

Bloglines on your PDA

Ethics, yes–I’ll post, maybe tonight. But meanwhile, as I get ready to rush to the salon to get my hair cut and highlighted (we must suffer for our beauty, mustn’t we!), I keep meaning to tell you that the free Bloglines mobile service is the best way I have found to read my feeds on […]

Ethics, At Last

See: Which links to these two great resources: Rebecca Blood’s Weblog Ethics:, A Blogger’s Code of Ethics: For some time I’ve grumbled and groused about the practices of librarian bloggers. Too many of us want to be considered serious citizen-journalists, when it suits us, but fall back on “hey, it’s only […]

Does “S” Stand for Satan?

Update: supposedly most of the problems have been ironed out… we’ll see. How many hours have I spent on this? I’ve been on the phone for an hour now. I particularly liked how the SBC rep answered the phone today, “How can I provide you with excellent customer service?” I spelled it out, in a […]

Closer to IM on MPOW

Thanks to a reader, I know I can use upper case for Yahoo. Thanks! I’ve created an AIM link (thank you, Bill Drew!), but am still looking for the Yahoo Messenger equivalent–anyone know what that might be, if it exists? Here’s the AIM link: AOL IM Bookmark to:

Libraries that IM–Including MPOW

How great to see IM on the cover of LJ, by way of Librarianinblack, and go Aaron! As for the commenter who said she would be the devil’s advocate, then questioned IM because it was “only” 400 IMs in a few months: first, the devil does just fine on his own without any help from […]

Blogging at Conferences: The Controversy Continues!

Dave and Sarah object to my post about blogging during presentations, but in doing so they reveal some of the weaknesses of blogging. Dave likens blogging to citizen journalism, a sort of you-are-there Capotian reportage, and justifies blogging during presentations accordingly. Sarah then expands on this point, saying that blog entries are really just note-taking. […]

The Yahoo OCLC Toolbar: Gimpy but Interesting

Geepers, with all these toolbars thrown our way, we barely have desktop space for our browsers any more! But I had to give a go at the latest meme, the Yahoo-OCLC toolbar that “provides one-click access to Open WorldCat as well as Yahoo! Search’s Web search engine.” Using my zip code (94306), I used Yahooclc, […]

Laptopping at IL

I sit here in my corporate bathrobe catching up after the great California Library Association conference in San Jose last week. Nice location, great tech support, super high attendance, good food… hey, Toto, I know we’re not in Ontario any more (site of last year’s conference, and a dump that was). Kudos to everyone involved […]