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Category Archives: MPOW

Thanks for Code Validator Suggestions

Thanks for all the tips. We had several people take casual looks at the code, and one gentleman take a hard look; he is now busily writing up a report. The findings were almost identical across the board. Bookmark to:

Help Wanted, Code Validation

I tried posting this to LITA-L, but it hasn’t appeared yet. Feel free to share with interested parties. Briefly donning my work hat: We have a new site in development for the website I manage. I have contracted third-party for usability and accessibility reviews (the former done, the latter pending), and am now looking for […]

Thinking out of the Meta-Box: The Rube Goldberg Device

(Slightly tweaked, with an added example, after my morning cup o’ joe) Many times we already have the content in MPOW that people are searching for. It is heartbreaking to look at search logs and see the user unable to fjord the gulf of execution, knowing that we spent time and money adding the content, […]

Thinking Out of the Meta-Box, Part 3

In the last two posts, I wrote about the disparity between user expectations and MPOW search, and about at least one approach to the issue (the Infomine metadata-scraper to add signficant words to item records). Today I’m going to lay the groundwork Let’s start with the assumption that there is inherent value to a directory […]

Thinking out of the Meta-Box, Part 2

Did you ever get a bad feeling you’d made a mistake? Yesterday’s post about search capabilities on MPOW was intended to be posted tomorrow or Friday, after usability testing ended. I post-dated the entry but failed to select “Future” for publishing. I even woke up today thinking I should take out some of the background. […]

Thinking Out of the Meta-Box

(Update: Part 1 of at least 2 posts.) This is a long, nerdy post about search engines, so if you read FRL for the book reviews, you may want to pass this up. I’ve had an idea for MPOW percolating for a very long time and recently decided to blog it, but embargoed this post […]

MPOW SWAG Arrives!

I’m still not naming it, but if you look close you’ll see what it is. I began sweating this Monday, even though Janway PROMISED our SWAG for our booth at the annual state library conference would arrive this week. Popped out to mail some work things today, came back five minutes later to find two […]

LII’s Name Ripped Off

Some anonymous blogger stole LII’s name, and LIS Blogsource immediately posted this blog without stopping to ask, “gee, is this name familiar?” I am in close contact with LII leadership, and they advise me LII is not responsible for the six-post blog (which should be immediately apparent when you read the introduction). My guess is […]

Upgrade Universe

I’m in this maelstrom of migration and upgrade activity… moving the MPOW software to a new host, working with new people, planning new capabilities, cutting new contracts, etc. Plus it’s the end of the fiscal year, meaning every single nickle must be spent, not more or less, by June 30 (or, in fiscalspeak, “encumbered”–I have […]

Details, details…

Little did I know that based on my last post, people were watching this blog waiting for an Announcement regarding, well, me. I’m not going anywhere; I’ve got way too much going on right now at My Place Of Work (MPOW). If I tried to leave, my board would hunt me down and bring me […]