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Category Archives: This and That

Grace period

The act of saying grace is a welcome set of parentheses between one part of the day and the other. I love how grace is a time when we sit, hands tented over our laps, neither here nor there, and at peace. One of the best moments in South Africa was when in the tremulous […]

My non-MPOW AIM and Skype: freerangelib

Yes, that’s all this entry is about: I’m handing my work IM/Skype handle back to MPOW–well, I created it, so “back” is not the right word–so please use freerangelib for AIM/Skype to me, starting now and definitely by October 31. Thanks! Bookmark to:

It’s After Apple-Picking Time

That’s the poem that ran through my head as I knelt on the brick path to our front door, tugging dead ferns from the ground and scooping piles of brown pine needles into bags that Neighbor Susan tells us can be any color. The sky is the color of skim milk and it has rained […]

I’ll Fly Away

That’s the hymn I sang to myself last night as we dished up six huge pans of vegetarian chili at the homeless shelter in Frenchtown. The question about one HDMI connector or two on the big-screen TV can seem pretty small when you’re serving up a hot meal to someone whose life is stuffed into […]

Painting, Migrating, Moving

I wanted to chat up Rachel Singer Gordon’s presentation-pricing survey and her subsequent tips for presenters, but I’ve been knackered. All day–a very long day crossing three time zones–I am in the yoke trying to get MPOW’s new search engine launched, plus this week I am taking 12 hours of training in re said search […]

Not a Book Story

For months afterwards I had the same dream. It was morning, and I walked off the PATH train, wove through the morning hubbub at the World Trade Center, pushed through the turnstile, and made my way to Borders Bookstore, my favorite shortcut to the new federal building where I managed a library. It wasn’t even […]

More Vendor Luv, and a Barbie Doll

So last night after getting in to TLH at 11 I called Comcast. I was on hold for over 30 minutes, then a very nice guy from Comcast reset my modem and we were online. Thanks, fella, and I’m glad the second fiancee turned out to be a keeper. I’m off to Sandy’s second service […]

Another customer service moment

My online banking has been giving me these messages: “The service for your external transfers account has been closed.” “There is no account associated with that transaction.” The transactions look fine, and payments happen… but these messages (in bolded dark orange) made me anxious. So naturally I waded through dialpad hell (Would you like to […]


Big car in compact space Originally uploaded by freerangelibrarian. I’m currently tiptoeing between two vendors on an issue related to What Version of Linux To Use (a Red Hat versus Slackware issue, and don’t get me started), but did want to note that my Flickr set about big cars in compact spaces made the Washington […]

Diversity and representation in LibraryLand

On an earlier post, Dorothea (who gets another woohoo from me for her rockin’ post, Getting past Cro-1337non Man) mentioned the question of diversity by suggesting that more GLBT librarians should be invited/included in library presentations. LibraryLand does not have a shortage of GLBT librarians; it has always attracted men comfortable working in feminized professions […]