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Category Archives: Treo Time

My Favorite Treo Trick

I’m deep into a revision of an essay due next Saturday morning before the rooster crows, but browsed the blogs long enough to see Ken Leebow crooning over his new Treo 650 and asking for ideas. I use my Treo for so many things, but they aren’t unique. Email, calendar, contacts, reading blogs while on […]

Apple’s Snit Fit with RealNetworks

Apple, the “think different” company, has thrown a clot that RealPlayer 10.5 can be used to upload RealNetwork’s own music files to the Apple iPod. Apple is stunned… outraged… threatening to sue. The iPod exacerbates two current problems in technology. The first is the half-life of Studley Caps, the random upcasing of internal letters, seen […]

SoundRec: Hear, Hear!

I was driving home tonight and had a great thought, so profound and important I wanted to record it, and thought to myself, my Treo has microphone and sound input; why can’t it do this? By the time I got home, the thought had vanished, but my desire for recording had not. Within five minutes […]